We are announcing the 2022 Archon Primer Contest. You have the chance to win a 35€ cardmarket.com voucher. All you have to do is: Write a primer on an Archon deck you like. The primer can be a written text or in video form.
The primers will be judged on the following criteria:
- How well are the example decklists crafted?
- How informative is the primer?
- Is the primer fun to read/watch?
- How well is the primer structured?
- Is it easy for new players to understand the primer?
- How good will the primer be in the future? can the reader#/watcher extrapolate how future cards fit into the deck?
You have until 28.02.2022 to submit your primer to me via PN to QKey on our Discord. All primers will be published there as soon as the deadline is over.